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About Petrosibir. Petrosibir is a Swedish company focused on exploring and developing concessions in Russia. The company holds licences in the Russian republics of Bashkiria and Komi. Petrosibir's 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Petrosibir share is traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol Petrosibir's total oil production during December 2020 amounted to 33,388 barrels, equivalent to 1,077 barrels per day. The table below summarises the average monthly / daily production in 2020 and 2019, broken down by region. Namnändring från Shelton Petroleum AB till Petrosibir AB under februari.

Bequoted petrosibir

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Mycab Int SDB. Petrosibir. 2. Prospekt avseende TFS erbjudande till aktieägarna i Petrosibir. Kallelse till vårmöte 2011.

2016: Avnoterad från Nasdaq Stockholm den 4 februari.

Petrosibir: Produktionsrapport för november 2020 Placera

The Petrosibir share is traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted PM-JDT-development-agreement-with-OFILM-Temperature-measurem.pdf. About OFILM. OFILM Group Co., Ltd (OFILM), established in 2002, was listed in Shenzhen Stock Market Exchange in 2010 with stock code 002456.

Petrosibir AB previously Shelton Petroleum AB LinkedIn

Bequoted petrosibir

MedClair Int. 0,22.

Bequoted petrosibir

Petrosibir AB Bransch: Energy/Energy/Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels/Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Instrument typ: Stock ISIN-kod: SE0000514572 Kortnamn: PSIB-B Handelspost (antal): 1 000 Valuta: SEK Likviditetsgarant: No Not: Kommentar: Kommentar i lista: Antal värdepapper: 29 011 962 Första handelsdag: 2016-02-17 Sista handelsdag: Petrosibir is a Swedish company focused on exploring and developing concessions in Russia. The company holds licences in the Russian republics of Bashkiria and Komi. Petrosibir's 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent. Petrosibirs shares are traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol PSIB-B. Petrosibir is a Swedish company focused on exploring and developing concessions in Russia. The company holds licences in the Russian republics of Bashkiria and Komi. Petrosibir's 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent.
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Bequoted petrosibir

Januari-december 2018 Företaget hette tidigare Petrosibir. Kalender 2018-06-28: Årsstämma 2018 2017-08-25 Följande dokument kan hämtas från beQuoted Petrosibir Pressrelease 2021-02-12.pdf Fakta om Petrosibir Petrosibir är ett svenskt bolag med inriktning på prospektering och utvinning av olja och gas i Ryssland. Företaget hette tidigare Petrosibir. Kalender 2018-06-28: Årsstämma 2018 2017-08-25 Petrosibir share can start on the OTC-list at beQuoted within 2 weeks.

2021-04-01. Petrosibir: Produktionsrapport för februari 2021.
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Börsnotering av Petrosibir AB på NGM Nordic SME år Ej satt

Cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 1 (7) million. The result after tax January – December 2015 was SEK -172 (-50) million.

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Petrosibir’s 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Om Petrosibir beQuoted

Petrosibir's 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Petrosibir share is traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol PSIB-B. Petrosibir is a Swedish company focused on exploring and developing concessions in Russia. The company holds licences in the Russian republics of Bashkiria and Komi. Petrosibir’s 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Petrosibir share is traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol PSIB-B. PRODUCTION REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2020 Petrosibir's total oil production during September 2020 amounted to 31,866 barrels, equivalent to 1,062 barrels per day.

Petrosibir’s 2P oil and gas reserves amount to 35 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Petrosibir share is traded on the OTC-list at beQuoted under the symbol PSIB-B. 2018-12-28 Följande dokument kan hämtas från beQuoted Petrosibir Pressrelease 2020-08-12.pdf. Fakta om Petrosibir Petrosibir är ett svenskt bolag med inriktning på prospektering och utvinning av olja och gas i Ryssland. 2019-05-07 About Petrosibir. Petrosibir is a Swedish company focused on exploring and developing concessions in Russia.